Techniques used to diagnose abnormalities in a fetus. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
Articles Tagged: health
What is Prenatal Care?
Medical care of a pregnant woman and the fetus. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Premenstrual Syndrome?
Physical and emotional changes that occur in a woman 1 or 2 weeks before menstruation, at or after ovulation; characterized by irritability, tension, depression, and fatigue. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Premenopausal?
A term that describes the period of a few years in a woman’s life just before menopause. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Premedication?
Drugs, usually painkillers, taken 1 to 2 hours before surgery. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Premature Rupture of Membranes?
The rupture of the sac that holds the fluid surrounding the fetus before the full term of pregnancy (about 37 weeks). Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Premature Labor?
Labor that begins before the full term of pregnancy (about 37 weeks). Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Preeclampsia?
A serious disorder that occurs in the second half of pregnancy, in which a woman experiences high blood pressure, fluid retention, nausea, and headaches; if not treated it can lead to eclampsia. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Precordial Movement?
A movement of the heart that is seen and felt through the chest wall. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Precancerous?
Describes a condition from which cancer is likely to develop. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –