How Does Flu Spread?

The flu primarily spreads through respiratory droplets propelled into the air by sick people from coughing, sneezing, or even talking. The flu can also be spread through saliva. More rarely but still possible, people can tough and pick up virus on surfaces and infect themselves by touching their mouth or eyes. Reference: Harvard:,may%20continue%20to%20feel%20fatigued. CDC: […]

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What Are Common Flu Symptoms?

Common symptoms of the flu include aches and pains, chills, fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, and fatigue. Some adults experience vomiting and diarrhea, but this is more common in children than adults. Additionally, not everyone will experience every symptom. Reference: Harvard:,may%20continue%20to%20feel%20fatigued. CDC:

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How Long Does the Flu Last?

For most healthy people, flu symptoms can appear one to four days after exposure and will last five to seven days. However, the flu will resolve itself eventually. Those who have had the flu shot will have can have symptoms that are less severe and last for a shorter amount of time. Reference: Harvard:,may%20continue%20to%20feel%20fatigued. […]

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