Are masks effective against the coronavirus?

Masks of any type are important for protecting yourself but more so for protecting those around you. COVID-19 is primarily spread through droplets in the air dispelled from your lungs from sneezing, coughing, talking, and even breathing. Even cloth masks prevent droplets from flying as far as 9 feet or more. For COVID-19 especially, since […]

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Can you have coronavirus without a fever?

Over the course of the disease, most people will experience a fever. However, it is possible to be infected and not have a fever, especially in the first few days of the disease. References: CDC:,and%20respiratory%20symptoms.%20I Johns Hopkins: Harvard:

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What are the early signs of detection of the coronavirus?

Besides being tested for COVID-19, the best way to know if you are infected is to look for symptoms. The earliest symptoms that most often occur include fever, muscle pain, cough, and sore throat. However, symptoms can occur any time between 2-14 days after infection, if they appear at all. References: CDC:,infections%20(6). Johns Hopkins: […]

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Is Headache a symptom of coronavirus?

The novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, causes the disease COVID-19. Headaches are one of the most common symptom of COVID-19, although it is possible to not experience any symptoms at all and still be infected. References: WHO, World Health Organization:,sore%20throat%20and%20headaches. CDC, Centers for Disease Control: Johns Hopkins:

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