Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses a large magnet and radio waves to look at organs and structures inside your body. Health care professionals use MRI scans to diagnose a variety of conditions, from torn ligaments to tumors. MRIs are very useful for examining the brain and spinal cord. During the scan, you lie on a […]
Health Answer Category: General
What is Sputum?
Mucus and other material produced by the lining of the respiratory tract; also called phlegm. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Sprue?
A digestive disorder in which nutrients cannot be properly absorbed from food, causing weakness and loss of weight. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Sprain?
The tearing or stretching of the ligaments in a joint, characterized by pain, swelling, and an inability to move the joint. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Sporotrichosis?
An infection with a fungus acquired through a skin wound; causes an ulcer at the site of infection and small, rounded masses of tissue near it. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Spondylolysis?
A disorder in which the lower part of the spine is weakened by an abnormally soft vertebra. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Spondylolisthesis?
The slipping of a vertebra in the spine over the one below it. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Spondylitis?
An inflammation of the joints between the bones of the spine. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Splinter hemorrhage?
A splinter-shaped area of bleeding under a fingernail or toenail. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Splint?
A device that is used to immobilize a part of the body. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –