What are Breathing Problems ?

When you’re short of breath, it’s hard or uncomfortable for you to take in the oxygen your body needs. You may feel as if you’re not getting enough air. Sometimes you can have mild breathing problems because of a stuffy nose or intense exercise. But shortness of breath can also be a sign of a […]

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What is Breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding offers many benefits to your baby. Breast milk contains the right balance of nutrients to help your infant grow into a strong and healthy toddler. Some of the nutrients in breast milk also help protect your infant against some common childhood illnesses and infections. It may also help your health. Certain types of cancer […]

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What is Breast Reconstruction ?

If you need a mastectomy, you have a choice about whether or not to have surgery to rebuild the shape of the breast. Instead of breast reconstruction, you could choose to wear a breast form that replaces the breast, wear padding inside your bra, or do nothing. All of these options have pros and cons. What […]

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What are Breast Diseases ?

Most women experience breast changes at some time. Your age, hormone levels, and medicines you take may cause lumps, bumps, and discharges (fluids that are not breast milk). If you have a breast lump, pain, discharge or skin irritation, see your health care provider. Minor and serious breast problems have similar symptoms. Although many women […]

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What is Male Breast Cancer ?

Although breast cancer is much more common in women, men can get it too. It happens most often to men between the ages of 60 and 70. Breast lumps usually aren’t cancer. However, most men with breast cancer have lumps. Other breast symptoms can include Dimpled or puckered skin A red, scaly nipple or skin […]

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What is Breast Cancer ?

Breast cancer affects one in eight women during their lives. No one knows why some women get breast cancer, but there are many risk factors. Risks that you cannot change include Age – the risk rises as you get older Genes – two genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2, greatly increase the risk. Women who have family […]

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What is a Dengue?

Dengue is an infection caused by a virus. You can get it if an infected mosquito bites you. Dengue does not spread from person to person. It is common in warm, wet areas of the world. Outbreaks occur in the rainy season. Dengue is rare in the United States. Symptoms include a high fever, headaches, joint and […]

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What are Brain Malformations ?

Most brain malformations begin long before a baby is born. Something damages the developing nervous system or causes it to develop abnormally. Sometimes it’s a genetic problem. In other cases, exposure to certain medicines, infections, or radiation during pregnancy interferes with brain development. Parts of the brain may be missing, abnormally small or large, or not fully […]

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What is Hemorrhagic Stroke ?

A stroke is a medical emergency. There are two types – ischemic and hemorrhagic. Hemorrhagic stroke is the less common type. It happens when a blood vessel breaks and bleeds into the brain. Within minutes, brain cells begin to die. Causes include a bleeding aneurysm, an arteriovenous malformation (AVM), or an artery wall that breaks open. Symptoms of stroke are Sudden numbness […]

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What are Genetic Brain Disorders ?

A genetic brain disorder is caused by a variation or a mutation in a gene. A variation is a different form of a gene. A mutation is a change in a gene. Genetic brain disorders affect the development and function of the brain. Some genetic brain disorders are due to random gene mutations or mutations […]

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