What are Bullying and Cyberbullying ?

What is bullying? Bullying is when a person or group repeatedly harms someone on purpose. It can be physical, social, and/or verbal. It is harmful to both the victims and the bullies, and it always involves Aggressive behavior. A difference in power, meaning that the victim is weaker or is seen as weaker. For example, bullies […]

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What is Pemphigus?

Pemphigus is an autoimmune disorder. If you have it, your immune system attacks healthy cells in your skin and mouth, causing blisters and sores. No one knows the cause. Pemphigus does not spread from person to person. It does not appear to be inherited. But some people’s genes put them more at risk for pemphigus. Pemphigoid […]

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What is Plague?

Plague is an infection caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. The bacteria are found mainly in rats and in the fleas that feed on them. People and other animals can get plague from rat or flea bites. In the past, plague destroyed entire civilizations. Today plague is uncommon, due to better living conditions and antibiotics. […]

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What are Tooth Disorders ?

What are teeth? Your teeth are made of a hard, bonelike material. There are four parts: Enamel, your tooth’s hard surface Dentin, the hard yellow part under the enamel Cementum, the hard tissue that covers the root and keeps your teeth in place Pulp, the soft connective tissue in the center of your tooth. It […]

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What is a Pneumonia?

What is pneumonia? Pneumonia is an infection in one or both of the lungs. It causes the air sacs of the lungs to fill up with fluid or pus. It can range from mild to severe, depending on the type of germ causing the infection, your age, and your overall health. What causes pneumonia? Bacterial, viral, […]

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What is Lung Cancer ?

What is lung cancer? Lung cancer is cancer that forms in tissues of the lung, usually in the cells that line the air passages. It is the leading cause of cancer death in both men and women. There are two main types: small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. These two types grow differently and […]

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What is Chronic Bronchitis ?

What is chronic bronchitis? Chronic bronchitis is a type of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). COPD is a group of lung diseases that make it hard to breathe and get worse over time. The other main type of COPD is emphysema. Most people with COPD have both emphysema and chronic bronchitis, but how severe each type is can […]

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What are Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections ?

What is respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)? Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, is a common respiratory virus. It usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. But it can cause serious lung infections, especially in infants, older adults, and people with serious medical problems. How is respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) spread? RSV spreads from person to person through The […]

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What are Bronchial Disorders ?

When you breathe in, the air travels down through your trachea (windpipe). It then goes through two tubes to your lungs. These tubes are your bronchi. Bronchial disorders can make it hard for you to breathe. The most common problem with the bronchi is bronchitis, an inflammation of the tubes. It can be acute or chronic. Other problems include Bronchiectasis […]

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What are Fractures?

A fracture is a break, usually in a bone. If the broken bone punctures the skin, it is called an open or compound fracture. Fractures commonly happen because of car accidents, falls, or sports injuries. Other causes are low bone density and osteoporosis, which cause weakening of the bones. Overuse can cause stress fractures, which are very small cracks in […]

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