What is Gaucher Disease ?

Gaucher disease is a rare, inherited disorder. It is a type of lipid metabolism disorder. If you have it, you do not have enough of an enzyme called glucocerebrosidase. This causes too much of a fatty substance to build up in your spleen, liver, lungs, bones and, sometimes, your brain. This prevents these organs from working […]

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What is Intestinal Cancer ?

Your small intestine is part of your digestive system. It is a long tube that connects your stomach to your large intestine. Intestinal cancer is rare, but eating a high-fat diet or having Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, or a history of colonic polyps can increase your risk. Possible signs of small intestine cancer include Abdominal pain Weight loss for no […]

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What is Gastroenteritis?

Have you ever had the “stomach flu?” What you probably had was gastroenteritis – not a type of flu at all. Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the lining of the intestines caused by a virus, bacteria, or parasites. Viral gastroenteritis is the second most common illness in the U.S. The cause is often a norovirus infection. […]

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What are Stomach Disorders ?

Your stomach is an organ between your esophagus and small intestine. It is where digestion of protein begins. The stomach has three tasks. It stores swallowed food. It mixes the food with stomach acids. Then it sends the mixture on to the small intestine. Most people have a problem with their stomach at one time […]

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What is Gangrene?

Gangrene is the death of tissues in your body. It happens when a part of your body loses its blood supply. Gangrene can happen on the surface of the body, such as on the skin, or inside the body, in muscles or organs. Causes include Serious injuries Problems with blood circulation, such as atherosclerosis and peripheral arterial disease […]

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What are Wrist Injuries and Disorders ?

Your wrist connects your hand to your forearm. It is not one big joint; it has several small joints. This makes it flexible and allows you to move your hand in different ways. The wrist has two big forearm bones and eight small bones known as carpals. It also has tendons and ligaments, which are […]

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What is Gallbladder Cancer ?

Your gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ under your liver. It stores bile, a fluid made by your liver to digest fat. As your stomach and intestines digest food, your gallbladder releases bile through a tube called the common bile duct. The duct connects your gallbladder and liver to your small intestine. Cancer of the gallbladder […]

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What are Walking Problems ?

What are walking problems? If you are like most people, you walk thousands of steps each day. You walk to do your daily activities, get around, and exercise. It’s something that you usually don’t think about. But for those people who have a problem with walking, daily life can be more difficult. Walking problems may […]

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What is G6PD Deficiency ?

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is a genetic disorder that is most common in males. About 1 in 10 African American males in the United States has it. G6PD deficiency mainly affects red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs to tissues throughout the body. The most common medical problem it can cause is hemolytic anemia. That […]

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What is Pesticides?

Pests live where they are not wanted or cause harm to crops, people, or animals. Pesticides can help get rid of them. Pesticides are not just insect killers. They also include chemicals to control weeds, rodents, mildew, germs, and more. Many household products contain pesticides. Pesticides can protect your health by killing germs, animals, or plants that […]

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