It is a fluid-filled cyst attached to a tendon sheath or joint. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
Health Answer Category: General
What is Gamma Globulin?
It is a substance prepared from blood that carries antibodies to most common infections; also used in immunizations. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer?
It is a method of treating infertility in which eggs are taken from a woman’s ovaries and fertilized with sperm and then the fertilized egg is injected into one of her fallopian tubes. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Gallstone Ileus?
It is an abnormal condition in which a gallstone passes from the gallbladder into the intestines through an abnormal passage and blocks the intestine. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Gallstone?
It is a round, hard mass of cholesterol, bile, or calcium salts that is found in the gallbladder or a bile duct. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Gallbladder?
It is a small, pear-shaped sac positioned under the liver, which concentrates and stores bile. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Galactosemia?
It is a genetic disorder in which galactose cannot be converted into glucose. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Galactose?
It is a sugar that is formed from the breakdown of lactose. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Galactorrhea?
It is breast milk production by a woman who is not pregnant and has not just given birth. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –
What is Galactocele?
It is a milk-filled tumor in a blocked breast milk duct. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms –