A cancerous tumor occurring in the lining of the lungs and chest cavity, often associated with exposure to asbestos dust. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms – https://www.ama-assn.org
Health Answer Category: General
What is Mesenteric Lymphadenitis?
Inflammation of lymph nodes in an abdominal membrane. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms – https://www.ama-assn.org
What is Mesenteric Infarction?
Death of tissue in the intestine due to lack of blood supply to that tissue. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms – https://www.ama-assn.org
What is Menstruation?
The shedding of the lining of the uterus during the menstrual cycle. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms – https://www.ama-assn.org
What is Menstrual Cycle?
The periodic discharge of blood and mucosal tissue from the uterus, occurring from puberty to menopause in a woman who is not pregnant. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms – https://www.ama-assn.org
What is Menorrhagia?
Excessive loss of blood during menstruation, which can be caused by disorders of the uterus. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms – https://www.ama-assn.org
What is Menopause?
The period in a woman’s life when menstruation stops, resulting in a reduced production of estrogen and cessation of egg production. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms – https://www.ama-assn.org
What is Meniscus?
A crescent-shaped pad of cartilage in joints that helps to reduce friction. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms – https://www.ama-assn.org
What is Meniscectomy?
Surgical removal of all or part of a cartilage disk from a joint. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms – https://www.ama-assn.org
What is Meningocele?
A protrusion of the meninges through an opening in the skull or spinal cord due to a genetic defect. Reference: •American Medical Association Definitions of Medical Terms – https://www.ama-assn.org